Category Archives: vegetarian

Blood Orange and Avocado Salad with Garlic and Herb Croutons and Bruschetta Dressing

Vegetarians, here you go. I’m no vegetarian but I will surely try this, too.

Bunny Kitchen


I’ve had a bad month of too many treats that have become a little more than treats. I had a little indulgence over Christmas which became ‘just one more day’, to become a whole month.

Now as the month of January comes to an end as as the Chinese New Year begins, it seems like the perfect point to get back on track and take better care of my body.

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Things You Should Know About Asparagus

Asparagus is packed with glutathione, which is an important anticarcinogen. It also is is rich in rutin, known to keep tiny blood vessels from rupturing and helps in protecting against radiation, as well. Asparagus can be your great source of vitamins A, C and E, B-complex vitamins, potassium and zinc. What’s your favorite dish that involves this superfood?

First asparagus of the season

Fruit and Vegetable Carving

In some parts of the globe, food presentation is just as important as the food itself.

The most popular theory with regard to the history of vegetable carving is that its origins can be traced back to Thailand. It began during the Loi Kratong festival in the 14th century. At the time of Loi Kratong, rafts are separately decorated with the use of many objects, such as banana leaves and flowers.

Watch this video and learn the basics in fruit and vegetable carving.

Food Fight

Salad Days

Greek Salad

Calories: 210 Fat: 18 grams

Olive oil in the dressing and feta cheese have some fat, sure, but the oil is the healthy monounsaturated kind. Cucumber slices, onions, and peppers fill you up while providing vitamins A and C and fiber.


Caesar Salad

Calories: 400 Fat: 34 grams

Thanks to the Parmesan cheese croutons, and mayo based dressing, an entree portion delivers more than half the fat you should consume per day. Romane lettuce  is low in calories but it doesn’t deliver many nutrients.

10 Surefire Weight Loss Tips

If you’re looking to get that body you’ve been dying to have, make sure you’re following each and every one of these tips. They’re basic, but they sure do the trick.

1. Listen to Music While You Work Out
Music has a huge impact on the mood. Listening to your favorite tracks while working a sweat will get you more energized.

2. Eat Plenty of Vegetables
Vegetables, especially greens, tomatoes, and asparagus, are low in calorie but very high in volume due to high fiber content. Most fiber cannot be digested and goes through your system, binding to excess cholesterol and other unnecessary elements in the intestine.

3. Get Enough Protein
Protein foods stay in your stomach longer as compared to other foods. Protein makes one feel satisfied longer, hence you eat less.

4. Eat Fruit for Dessert
You can eat too much fruit. Fruit is packed with benefits but also is a natural sugar that if not burned off can cause weight gain. Think of it as a dessert food, so you don’t go overboard.
5. Avoid Starches and Sweets
Such are foods that are metabolized into blood glucose quickly, and this will be your body’s main source of fuel. If you don’t use such fuel through exercising, the body stores it which can end up in fat gain.

6. Weigh Yourself Regularly and Often
Research has it that weighing yourself often, at least everyday, can help you understand your body and improve weight loss efforts.

7. Have 5 to 6 Small Meals or Snacks Om
An empty stomach will send a signal to your liver to make and release glucose into the blood for energy. When you skip meals or when you only eat once or twice a day, it can put your body in starvation mode, and this slows down your metabolism, and causing your body to hold onto food when you do eat.

8. Sleep 8 Hours Every Night
Research has it that sleep deprivation can change appetite hormones, increasing hunger and caloric intake.

9. Put In More Resistance Training When You Workout
Muscle burns more calories at rest than does other body tissues. That being said, if you have more muscle, your will be burning more fat even just sitting!

10. Drink Less Alcohol Or Avoid It Altogether

You eat more if you drink, and alcohol is metabolized like a fat in the body. You wouldn’t want to drink fat if you want to lose weight, would you?