All posts by janettefox

About janettefox

Hi! I am Janette Fox. Thanks for dropping by! Foodie Fox is where I can share with my readers my passion for food and different recipes that I know of, as well as my culinary adventures. My earliest memories have always involved food: our kitchen was filled with the smell of the sautéed garlic and basil that my mom added to her ever-famous marinara; my sisters and I waking up to the sound of potatoes frying; devouring our little bowls of homemade vanilla ice cream. Food never failed to give pleasure to my life. I believe it’s something to celebrate. I have always loved food and my loves ones have always been a big influence. My parents have taught me how to cook on a tight budget without sacrificing the taste. The best food to me can be described in three words: fresh and simple. My mission is to let my readers share the same food principle that I live by. I thrive on balance. I believe in disciplining myself and indulging every now and then.


They claim to be health foods, are they, though? Don’t buy into bogus health claims or deceiving ingredient lists. In some cases, despite your best intentions, you may inadvertently opt for foods that offer one or two great nutrients-but have more calories, or grams of sugar, or milligrams of salt than you should be taking.

Q: Why is it recommended to put in salt to the water when cooking pasta?

Q: Why is it recommended to put in salt to the water when cooking pasta?

A:Tradition is the reason for it, above all. It is typically deemed that pasta will cook faster as salt boosts the temperature at which water boils. When you look at it from a chemistry viewpoint, this is true. But if you add 1 tablespoon of salt (beyond recommended) to 5 quarts of water, you just boost the water’s boiling point by 7/100th of 1 degree. This is not enough to shorten the cooking time.

Facts About Parsley

Parsley is an efficient digestive aid.  It aids in purifying the blood and stimulating the bowels. It’s also a known anticarcinogen. It’s packed with three times as much vitamin C as oranges, and twice as much iron as spinach. Parsley is also a good source of vitamin A as well as of copper and manganese. Have a sprig of parsley to naturally freshen your breath! Where do you use parsley?